Connect to CUHK email using Mail app in iOS

Connect to CUHK email using Mail app in iOS


Applies To

Students and Staff


Prerequisite (for Students and Staff)

For Students and Staff, you must have your account enrolled to 2-factor authentication (2FA) in order to access University email.  If you haven't done so, please visit the following links.

Enrollment Portal: 

Enrollment Guide:



  1. Go to Settings > Mail > Accounts
  2. Tap Add Account and tap Microsoft Exchange

  3. Enter your email address and description.  Tap Next and tap Sign In when prompted.

  4. You will be prompted to sign-in via CUHK LOGIN page.  Proceed accordingly.


  5.  Get through the 2FA with your registered DUO Mobile App (How to get pass 2FA)

  6. Click Continue when prompted.


  7. Choose the services you want to sync.  Tap Save.  Done!