Connect to CUHK1x for iPhone / iPad

Connect to CUHK1x for iPhone / iPad


Applies To

Students and Staff



This user guide is based on iOS 14 / iPadOS 14.  Steps and screenshots may vary with your device.

此用戶指南根據 iOS 14 / iPadOS 14 而設。設定步驟及介面或會與你使用的裝置略有不同。


  1. Tap Settings > Wi-Fi.
        點選設定 > Wi-Fi

  2. Make sure WiFi is On, then tap CUHK1x from the list of available wireless networks.
        請開啟 Wi-Fi,並於可用的無線網路中選擇 CUHK1x

  3. Enter your CUHK email address and OnePass password when prompted.  Tap Join to continue.
    請輸入你的電郵地址OnePass 密碼以核實身份,然後點一下加入

  4. You will be asked to Trust a wi-fi certificate.  Tap More Details, then scroll to the end and check if SHA-1 fingerprints is exactly the same as the screenshot below (marked with green box). Finally, go back and tap Trust.  Done!

        Caution: DO NOT connect if the fingerprint shown on your screen does not match.




CUHK On-campus Wi-Fi Coverage

Please click here for more information.



#CUHK 1x #Apple ios iphone ipad #WiFi #wi-fi #wireless network #setup #set up #config #configure