註冊雙重認證 (2-Factor Authentication, 2FA) 及登記首個移動設備
Applies To
All CUHK Accounts
What is 2FA and why should I need it?
Using a second factor (such as your smartphone) to approve login requests prevents others from accessing your account even if they know your password. Please refer to ITSC website for more information.
即使他人知悉你的密碼,透過第二重認證(如你的智能手機)能有效核實登入者的身份並將不速之客拒之門外。詳情請瀏覽 本處網頁。
The enrollment could be done using a smartphone solely or using a smartphone and a computer. The steps using either method is identical.
⚠️ Do not remove the Duo Mobile app after registration! 完成註冊後切勿移除 Duo Mobile app!
You need the Duo Mobile app to sign in to all University IT services.
你需要使用 Duo Mobile app 登入所有大學資訊科技服務。
- Download and install Duo Mobile app from App Store (iOS) or Play Store (Android)*.
到 App Store (iOS) 或 Play Store (Android)* 下載 Duo Mobile。

* Duo Mobile APK (checksum) is available to Android devices that cannot access to Google Play Store.
如手機沒有 Google Play Store,請直接從 Duo 官方網站下載 Duo Mobile APK (checksum)。
Huawei devices are not supported. Please refer to this article for details and workaround.
Duo Mobile 不支援華為手機。請參閱此知識庫文章了解詳情及替代方案。
- Visit registration portal at https://duo.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/ using any web browser. Sign-in using your email address and OnePass password.
造訪註冊網站 https://duo.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/ 並以你的電郵地址和 OnePass 密碼登入。
- You will see a window with Protect Your CUHK Account shown at the centre. Click Start setup.
畫面中央會顯示 Protect Your CUHK Account。請按 Start setup。

- Click Get started to proceed.
點擊 Get started 繼續。

- Select DUO Mobile to proceed.
點選 DUO Mobile 繼續。

- Select I have a tablet (even you are using a smartphone).
點選 I have a tablet (即使你現正使用智能手機)。

Notes: If you entered your phone number and completed the registration, no worries — Duo Mobile will work just fine; Choosing 'I have a tablet' will help avoid confusion when setting up multiple Duo Mobile devices in the future.
備註:如果你輸入了你的電話號碼並已完成登記,不必擔心 — Duo Mobile 仍可以正常運作;選擇「I have a tablet」可避免日後設定多部 Duo Mobile 裝置時產生混淆。
- Make sure you have downloaded Duo Mobile App to your device (see step 1), then click Next.
請確認你已下載 Duo Mobile App (詳見步驟 1),然後按 Next。

- Link your account to Duo Mobile app.
將你的帳戶連結至 Duo Mobile。
- If you visit the registration portal using a computer: you will see a QR code shown on screen. Open Duo Mobile app on your mobile phone, tap Continue (iPhone/iPad) / Set up account (Android) >> Use a QR code and scan the QR code that shown on screen.
如果你透過電腦造訪註冊網站:你會看見畫面顯示一個二維碼。請在智能手機打開 Duo Mobile,點一下 Continue (iPhone/iPad) / Set up account (Android) >> Use a QR Code,然後按指示掃瞄二維碼。

If you visit the registration portal using a smartphone: tap Continue and open Duo Mobile app when prompted.
如果你透過智能手機造訪註冊網站:點一下 Continue 並按照指示打開 Duo Mobile app。
- Enter an Account Name (default is CUHK). Tap Save to proceed.
設定帳戶名稱(預設為 CUHK)。點一下 Save 繼續。

- You will see Added Duo Mobile screen appears at web browser. Tap Continue to proceed.
網頁會顯示 Added Duo Mobile 畫面。請點一下 Continue 繼續。

- You may tap Log in with Duo to test your enrolled device. Please refer to article to learn ways to pass DUO 2FA.
你可以點一下 Log in with Duo 測試新登記裝置。可參閱文獻如何通過Duo二次認証。

- Follow the on-screen instructions to go through the remaining steps, in particular, Allow notifications to let you seamlessly receive and respond to 2FA push message.
請按畫面指示完成其餘步驟,尤其請允許通知 (Allow notifications),這可使你無縫地接收及回應雙重認證的推送信息。

- You will see an account is added in your Duo Mobile app once the above step is completed.
成功完成以上步驟後,你會在 Duo Mobile 內見到一個新連結的帳戶。

- You will see a message Almost Done shown. Click GET MY RESCUE CODES.
畫面中央會顯示 Almost Done。請按一下 GET MY RESCUE CODES。

- A list of rescue codes will be generated (shown in red arrow). Please save these codes in a safe place.
你會看見五組 rescue code (紅色箭頭示),請妥為保存。

- Click LOG OUT to complete your enrollment. Done.
最後,按 LOG OUT 登出註冊網站。完成!

When I need to use 2FA ?
You will be asked to verify your identity using either respond to push message or enter a passcode when sign in 2FA protected apps.
當登入 支援雙重認證的系統或服務 時,你需要透過 回應推送信息 或 輸入臨時密碼 以核實你的身份。
Switch to a new phone in future?
Read this article to know how to transfer the 2FA registration to your new mobile phone. It is recommended to keep your old phone on hand until it's all set.
請 按此查閱 將 Duo Mobile 轉移到新手機的方法。完成新手機設定前,本處建議你儘可能保留舊機以利交接。
I forget to bring my phone after enrollment. What should I do?
Read this article to know how to obtain a bypass code using your CU Link card (i.e. student card / staff card) and using the bypass code to verify your identity.
請 按此查閱 如何透過 CU Link 咭(即學生證/職員證)取得臨時密碼以核實你的身份。
#2FA #DUO #Two Factor Authentication #New Staff #New Students