Applies To
Opt-in before graduation 於畢業前申請
Opt-in after graduation 於畢業後申請
準畢業生注意:請於畢業前申請 @Link 校友電郵,否則在學期間之電郵及 OneDrive 檔案將不獲保留。
Note to Graduands: Your mailbox and OneDrive files could be kept only if you opt in the service before gradation.
Opt-in before graduation
Graduands will receive an email invitation to opt-in @Link Alumni Email before their expected graduation date. Afterwards, graduands may complete the steps below.
在預定畢業時間之前,準畢業生將會收到電郵邀請申請 @Link 校友電郵。收到電郵後,準畢業生即可透過以下方法申請。
- Sign-in to MyCUHK.
登入 MyCUHK。
- After signed in MyCUHK, click CUSIS.
成功登入MyCUHK後, 點選 CUSIS。
- Click Applications.
點選 Applications。
- On the left menu, click @Link Alumni Email Opt-in under Other Applications.
在左邊選單,從 Other Applications 點選 @Link Alumni Email Opt-in。
- Check the boxes to acknowledge that you understand the terms and conditions. Then click Submit.
勾選方格以表示明白服務條款及細則,然後點選 Submit。
- Registration is completed. Click OK to finish. It will be processed in 1 working day.
登記完成。點選 OK 離開。於1個工作天內完成處理。
Note: Your student email account will be switched to @Link Alumni Email automatically upon your graduation. No re-configuration for your email client is needed then. Your email messages and OneDrive files will be kept as well.
注意:你現在使用的電郵將於畢業後自動轉換為 @Link 校友電郵,屆時無需重新設定電郵軟件。郵箱內的資料及 OneDrive 檔案亦會自動保留。
Opt-in after graduation
- Use Sign-in to MyCUHK.
使用 登入 MyCUHK。
Tip: if you forget your Alumni ID or password, click here.
提示:若你忘記校友編號或密碼,請按此查詢校友編號 / 重設密碼。
- After signed in MyCUHK, click MyPage.
成功登入MyCUHK後, 點選 MyPage。
- Find @Link Alumni Email, click Opt-in for @Link Alumni Email
尋找 @Link Alumni Email,點選 Opt-in for @Link Alumni Email
- Check the box to acknowledge that you understand the terms and conditions. Then click Next.
- Please define your own email alias name (cannot modify after submission), then input your OnePass Password (i.e. MyCUHK login password), and click Submit.
請設定你的個人電郵別名(提交申請後不可再作更改),然後輸入你的 OnePass 密碼(即 MyCUHK 登入密碼),最後點選 Submit。
- Registration is completed. Your @Link Alumni Email will be ready in 1-2 working days. Afterwards, please sign in at using and OnePass Password.
登記完成。請待 1-2 個工作天後瀏覽 ,並以 及 OnePass 密碼登入閣下之 @Link 校友電郵。
#@Link #Alumni #Email